ECP4 launches its new website

Proplast wants to inform you that from May 29 is available the new website of ECP4! 

There you can find all the information categorized into several sections:

  • Activities:
    Strategic Research Agenda
    Info Days and workshops
    EU projects
    Annual Conference
  • On-going and completed collaborative projects of the ECP4 members (you have a form in the member’s area to upload information of your EU projects)
  • News and contact
  • Members and benefits
  • Member’s area: it is also available but in the process to upload all the information from previous years. To log in you just need to choose a user name and password.

A section about Circular Economy and Capabilities will be created in the coming weeks. For the moment you can find the information gathered about capabilities in the member’s area.

The website will be updated on a regular basis with the information of the next activities scheduled for 2019-2020 (project building session in Sept/Oct, workshop in Portugal, conference and GA in Czech Republic, etc.)

For more information visit the website.