Proplast is the ideal partner for consulting and development of industrial projects. Our team of specialized technicians and researchers conducts research and innovation activities. In collaboration with its network of highly innovative companies, international research institutions and universities, Proplast has developed, over the years, strong expertise in R&D for polymeric and composite materials by offering its members and customers the most suitable solutions in technical, educational and administrative fields. The recently introduced 3D printing allows Proplast to increase important knowledge for the formulation of industry-specific materials and processes. Proplast actively participates in research projects financed by Regional, National and European funds.
EOLIAN – Bio-based, repairable and recyclable vitrimer composites and advanced sensors for highly reliable and sustainable wind blades
Wind turbine blades are made up of composite materials, but current wind blade composites exhibit relatively short life spans, are problematic to repair and are difficult to recycle. The project will develop an innovative new smart wind turbine blade, manufactured from an infinitely recyclable circular platform chemistry, with in-mould electronics (recyclable sensors and heating actuators) that detect damage early before it becomes a major issue.
Proplast's role
Project coordinator and management of activities related to reuse and recycling activities of vitrimer-based composites developed in the project.
Materials – Recycling II life
Politecnico di Milano (IT), Zrl enerji elektrik uretim as (TR), Brunel University London (UK), Entelea limited (UK), Ires - innovation in research and engineering solutions (BE), Norvento Tecnologia, s.l. (ES), Norvento ned factory, s.l.u. (ES) (affiliate partner to Norvento), Fundación Tekniker (ES), Association Europeenne de l'industrie des Composites (BE), AEP polymers srl (IT)
01/06/2024 – 31/12/2027 – 42 months
Total € 3.653.176,00 | Proplast € 545.875,00 | Contribution € 545.875,00
MATIS4T, Innovative Sustainable Materials and Technologies for Transportation – description
The project aims to test and validate new solutions for materials and technologies for the mobility and transportation sector. Reducing the weight of components, using sustainable materials, including those derived from recycling, and researching innovative sensor technologies for passive safety components are the main issues that will be addressed.
MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Agreements for innovation in the automotive sector supply chain
Proplast's role
Project coordinator; development and characterization of formulations from circular value chains and composites to optimize processes and environmental impacts, through life cycle analysis (LCA)
Materials – Recycling II life
Centro Ricerche Fiat – Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
01/05/2024 – 30/04/2027 - 36 months
Total € 5.051.741,00 | Proplast € 1.825.625,00 | Contribution € 876.885,00
P.Ri.S.Ma. MED2 - Piano Rifiuti e Scarti in Mare di pesca, acquacoltura e diporto nel Mediterraneo - FASE2
The objective of the project is the creation of new circular value chains by using:
- Fishing and aquaculture nets and gears
- By-products of fishing and aquaculture activities, with special focus on inorganic material, such as shells of tellins, clams and mussules
Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo 2021-2027
Proplast's role
Recycling of fishing and aquaculture nets and gears (PA and PE). Manufacturing by injection molding of a component with PA from recycled material. Support in the development and manufacturing of street furniture items with recycled materials.
Ricycling – II life
Circular Economy
Regione Liguria – TICASS (Tecnologie Innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile) – Agenzia regionale di ricerca in agricoltura Sardegna – Regione Toscana - Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Corse - GESTIMAR Cooperative Society - Gruppo di Azione Costiera FLAG Nord Sardegna – Proplast
Italy, France
01/03/2024-28/02/2027 – 36 months
Total € 1.888.077,97 | Proplast € 173.858,91 | FESR Contribution € 139.087,12
Regional cluster of the chemical and advanced materials sector
Since 2008, Proplast has been recognized by the Piedmont Region as the manager of the regional Innovation Cluster "New Materials" and since 2016 as the co-manager of the regional Innovation Cluster CGREEN - Green Chemistry and Advanced Materials, under which it offers specific services to Piedmontese companies. Since 2022, CGreen has been part of the Piedmont Innovation Pole System: CLIPS CLusters Innovation_poles Piedmont in System
PR FESR 2021-2027 - Support for regional cluster development programs
Environment Park S.p.A. - Centro Servizi Industrie S.r.l. - Città Studi SpA - Un.I.Ver. - M.I.A.C. Scpa - Torino Wireless Foundation - Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero SpA - IBIS Consortium - Science and Technology Park in Valle Scrivia S.p.A - Proplast
Total €13.222.500 | Proplast €2.001.000 | Contribution € 1.000.500
NODES - Digital and Sustainable Northwest - Ecosystem of Digital Innovation.
Project funded by the Ministry of University and Research as part of investments under the PNRR. The mission of NODES is to contribute to the resolution of structural deficiencies through the implementation of tools and activities with a new collaborative approach to respond to strategic innovation challenges and generate positive impacts toward digital and ecological transition with an interdisciplinary approach. Proplast is a partner in Spoke 2: Industrial and Green Sustainability. It will work on the involvement of local stakeholders, for the improvement of innovation capabilities and competitiveness, in the areas of green technologies and sustainable industry.
MUR – Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.5 – Creazione e rafforzamento di “Ecosistemi dell’innovazione”
Trasferimento tecnologico
01/10/2022 – 30/09/2025 – 36 mesi
Total €112.828.844 | Proplast € 456.758 | Contribution € 255.784
Fund your project
Aiutiamo le aziende a trovare finanziamenti per i loro progetti di R&D
CIRCVET - Materials for a practical circular economy training course for plastics industries
The project aims to develop a broad, free and tailored training course on CE in plastics at the European level, based on the needs and problems of companies. An alliance of knowledge, training resources and materials, among all stakeholders included in the proposal: trainers from universities and vocational training centers, research centers, clusters and SME representatives, etc., to develop, test and deliver courses. "Green" skills are the focus of the CIRCVET project.
ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERP - Alliances for Education and Business.
Technology Transfer - Training
01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025 – 36 months
Total € 1.497.955 | Proplast € 163.603 | Contribution € 130.882
EVAPlus - Energy for the Aosta Valley for the digital and sustainable use of resources
Initiative of the Aosta Valley Region to support, promote and enhance locally developed solutions. The initiative aims to support companies individually or in collaboration with each other and/or with research centers that participated in 2021 in the Call for R&D Aggregations to carry out industrial research and experimental development projects, in accordance with the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3)
"Call for R&D Aggregations" - Valle D'Aosta Region- Investment Program for Growth and Employment 2014/20 ERDF - Research, Technological Development and Innovation Axis.
Technology Transfer - Training
02/06/2022 – 01/06/2024 –24 months
Total €216.798,45 | Proplast €34.760 | Contribution €17.380
A FRONTrunner approach to Systemic circular, Holistic & Inclusive solutions for a new Paradigm of territorial circular economy.
Proplast role
Validation of Promix technology as a replacement for traditional foaming chemicals on selected materials and products according to the specifications of the lead partner KFlex.
Green Chemistry
01/11/2021-31/10/2025 – 48 months
Total €16.118.418 | Proplast €363.865 | Contribution €363.865
Demonstrable and replicable cluster implementing systemic solutions through multilevel circular value chains for eco-efficient valorization of fishing and fish industries side-streams.
Ruolo Proplast
Nylon fish net recycling and new product development for automotive molding. Supporting the development of coating from fish waste for barrier films.
Recycling - II life
01/10/2021 – 30/09/2026 – 60 months
Total €15.170.720,15 | Proplast € 501.625 | Contribution € 501.625