we connect the key players to increase the competitivity
Proplast is a Cluster that embraces all players in the innovation process and provides important information on needs, opportunities and transformations. Our team of specialized plastics professionals offers a wide range of services for the industrial growth of its members. The expertise gained over the past two decades and the ability to connect multiple players in an industry sector have allowed Proplast to be recognized as a Cluster of Excellence internationally. Since 2015, the Proplast consortium has been awarded the Silver Label – Cluster Organization Management Excellence (quality label) awarded by ESCA, the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis, on behalf of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI) (03/2013).
Management of funded calls for proposals
Events and seminars
EU-funded projects
Support in the management of funded calls
Proplast supports companies in their search for public Calls for Proposals (e.g., H2020, Piedmont Region, Ministerial), accompanying them through all the necessary steps (partner search, writing, pre-assessment of project ideas, submission, monitoring and reporting) to fund their R&D activities.
Proplast, with 20 years' experience in the field of corporate relations, supports companies by connecting them with potential partners, suppliers and customers to improve the competitiveness of the value chain of which they are a part.
Events and seminars
Ongoing cooperation with companies, university faculties and research centers enables Proplast to organize events, seminars and workshops on innovative topics and market trends affecting the plastics industry. Events can be held at our headquarters or at locations defined according to customer needs.
EU-funded projects
Proplast participates in specific European projects to develop clusters and constantly improve the level of services offered to its members by fostering the internationalization of enterprises.