Materials and Coffee Online – Monomatericità

Proplast tells you about the initiative MATto, organized by the Politecnico di Torino, entitled Materials & Coffee OnlineMonomatericità that will be held online on Thursday 9 July from 10.30 to 12.30!

Here is the program:

Specific processes and traditional and innovative production processes transform the materials to improve their performance, the expressive-sensorial and environmental properties.
MATto offers a selection of materials and semi-finished products to look at their properties in a new way!

10:30 am – Welcome coffee
10:50 – Single materiality
11:20 – Guests
12:00 – Q&A

The guests present will also include Maria Rosa Contardi, R&D Manager and Andrea Romeo, Advanced Design Lab Manager of the Proplast Consortium with their intervention entitled: Lightweighting Techniques for Plastics’ or ‘The techniques of lightening plastic materials’.

To participate you must register at the following link