PackAlliance Project final event!

PackAlliance Project final event – 28 october 2022

The PackAlliance journey is coming to an end and we are very proud of the results achieved!
The project partners, various stakeholders and participants will come together on this occasion to discuss the sustainability of packaging in the circular economy, new developments and the current research situation.

You can choose whether to participate remotely or in person, the event will be held at the University of Salerno in via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 – 84084 Fisciano!


  • 9.30 – 10.00: Welcoming and coffee
  • 10.00 – 10.15: INSTITUTIONAL WELCOMING – Prof. Loredana Incarnato, Unisa, Packall Local Coordinator, Prof. Roberto Pantani, Director of Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Dr. Marco Gambardella, President ATIF
  • 10.15 – 10.30: INTRODUCTION (contest, operation method, results) – Dr. Eva Gallego, Project Coordinator of Campus Iberus
  • 10.30 – 10.45: Focus on training programme, chains, participants – Dr. Maria Teresa Scrivani, Consorzio Proplast
  • 10.45 – 11.15: UNIVERSITIES’ PANEL: Moderator: Prof. Luciano Di Maio, Unisa

“Packaging recycling research: the future and challenges” – Prof. Gaetano Guerra, University of Salerno

“The importance of training new professionals for the circularity of packaging” – Prof. Cristina Nerin, University of Zaragoza – PackAlliance Technical Committee

  • 11.15 – 11.45: INDUSTRIES’ PANEL Moderator: Dr. Maria Teresa Scrivani – Proplast


Vanesa Martinez – R&D Department – Tecnopackaging (ES)

Sanna Piispa – Premix Oy (FI)

Silvia Gregorini, Business development Manager PICVISA (ES)

  • 11.45 – 12.15: “A methodology to assess and certify plastic packaging recyclability” – Eng. Fabrizio Di Gregorio, Technical Director of Plastics Recyclers Europe
  • 12.15– 12.45: CHAINS’ PRESENTATIONS (in charge of the students) AND PRIZES