The Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria Foundation is the ideal continuation of the Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria, founded by a group of worthy citizens, starting from the donation established by the lawyer Pietro Parvopassu, and established as an independent body with a Royal Patent of 21 August 1838.
It is a foundation of banking origin established in 1991 following the privatization process of the Italian credit sector, in implementation of Law no. 218, aimed at separating the purely banking activity which, in this specific case, was conferred to the Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria Spa (now the BPM Group), from the traditional institutional and disbursement activities, maintained by the Foundation itself.
The Entity is a non-profit private legal person and, as required by the Statute, exclusively pursues purposes of social utility and promotion of economic development, with particular reference to the area of competence; carries out its activities within the sectors provided for by current legislation and in compliance with the values and programmatic guidelines identified periodically by the Steering Body and reported in the Forecast Planning Document.
The Foundation’s activity is addressed within the admitted sectors (referred to in Article 1, paragraph 1, letter c-bis of Legislative Decree No. 153 of 17 May 1999): a) scientific and technological research; b) public health and preventive medicine; c) assistance to the elderly; d) civil protection.
In this context and for the three-year period 2020-2022, the following have been identified as relevant sectors: a) local development and local social housing; b) education, instruction and training; c) environmental protection and quality; d) art, activities and cultural heritage; e) volunteering, philanthropy and charity.
Participation in the activity of the Proplast Consortium therefore fits into the broader context of actions in favor of the admitted sector called “scientific and technological research”.
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria